Friday, March 4, 2011

Life full of mania with a dash of humor and a slice of normality (those are the secret ingredients) Vol 3 Issue 9

“Do a gainer Mickey! Do a gainer Mickey! Do a gainer Mickey!

You could hear this chant being screamed at the South Chuck pool while I was growing up. It was my brothers and I standing at the deep end yelling up at the high dive for our pool hero to do a back somersault and get us drenched from the splash. I had no idea at that point that in a mere fifteen short years I’d be carrying my childhood pool hero up to his honeymoon suite from the hotel pool in Vegas on the day of his wedding suffering from possible heat stroke, alcohol poisoning, or a little bit of both (don’t worry we got him a foot long brat for the elevator ride up and made him close his eyes so he wouldn’t see the bride before the wedding when we got to the suite).

Growing up in a small town can at times feel just like a family and Mickey was like our older cousin on that high dive (btw why are you not allowed to have high dives anymore because of insurance reasons but they are building public skate parks in cities, that doesn’t make much sense to me). I’ve met friends along the way in college and my vagabonding around the country and I unfortunately lose touch with the majority of them. I don’t think I’m any different from anyone else in regards to seeing friendships kind of drift away naturally. I don’t seem to mind this because I know it’s the inevitable, but losing those friendships for reasons that are nearly unexplainable to me is tough.

BMD has undoubtedly put people in my life that I could not replace. It has truly blurred the line between family and friends with the support I’ve received over the past few years. At the same time its taken friendships from me that I never thought possible. I’ve witnessed friendships dissipate right before my eyes for reasons that I still have trouble comprehending. I have spent countless hours dwelling over “friendships” that I felt abandoned me.

It seems at times I become infatuated with what I have perceived that I have lost, under the illusion that my friends walked away from me in my direst time of need. The truth of the matter is they were never my friends to begin with; they were my drinking buddies (nothing wrong with that, I loved to drink). I always seem to have a difficult time determining the difference between my friends (basically family) and my drinking buddies (basically acquaintances). I suppose I just want to have as big as family as possible including my friends when that just isn’t a reality (some people plain don’t care, that’s alright but I really should stop giving a shit about them too). While this BMD hasn’t really been a picnic it has taught me some valuable life lessons; there’s nothing like good family and friends (it was like I was so focused on the one pile of dog shit in the yard I was missing enjoying the entire picnic).

I think I’m starting to come out of depression (finally you bitch) and seemingly am beginning to enjoy life a little more (it’s harder than it sounds at times; give me a break I’m bipolar). I had a couple options to “celebrate” this coming out party which included heading back to Vegas or heading down to Atlanta to visit some southern family and friends.

My last Vegas trip was a blast (Shay and I saved the wedding, no thanks needed) but southern belles come first (or not all when they seem to be with me). I haven’t seen Rhett (not a southern name at all, I still heart it sis) since he was born so I’m making a trip down south next week to "celebrate" (which means you’ll be able to find me up in Club One Tweezie).

Since many of my manic experiences involve music I’ve decided to add random music videos to the blog for my enjoyment and your inconvenience. Enjoy!
(In honor of keeping with the whole family theme this week please enjoy Cuzin Art and Cuzin Quentin’s band, Smooth Walking Androids)

Coming Correct,

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